Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Part 1 of the Sculpture final... sketchbook skills

4 part final (main review will be on 16 or 17th)

Part 1: sketchbook final.  Student will demonstrate visual problem solving skills through creative problem solving and strong colored pencils skills.

  1. drawing must be full page
  2. no tracing
  3. no pen or sharpies
  4. draw in pencil 1st then color
  5. be original no copying of ideas from peers
  6. due at the beginning of final 

100 pts.  please create drawing on front of page 12 in sketchbook.  Pencil and colored pencil only.

The Mad lib...  Please write the appropriate part of speech next to the number...

  1. plural noun
  2. adjective
  3. noun
  4. past tense verb
  5. place
  6. plural noun
  7. plural noun

Please copy the lines below and fill the blanks with the numbered responses from above... on the back side of page 12 in sketchbook

Many creepy (1) __________________________ gazed at the (2) _________________ (3) ___________________________  as they (4) ___________________  behind the (5) ___________________ while angry (6) ___________________ flew through the sky throwing strange (7) ______________________.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"After the Book Ends" 10 annual silent auction

Willow Glen Advanced Sculpture Classes are putting on the 10th annual silent auction.  This year the theme is bookends.  Each artist created a truly unique ceramic bookend for the auction.  All proceeds help fund the advanced sculpture classes.

Bidding starts at 6.  Food will be served... come enjoy some incredible pieces and appreciate the level of skill and creative problem solving it took to create these sculptures. Come get a very unique present for that someone special.

WGHS Mickey Long Center Art Gallery and Hall
December 12th 6-7