Course Description: This course is designed to let the student explore communication and idea development through the world of 3-dimensional design. The students will use a variety of media through out the year. The course is broken up into 3-4 projects. Each project will focus on a different medium, skill set and principle /element of art. This course is aligned with the soon to be published National Core Arts Standards.
Standards Overview: (from NCCAC website)
The Arts as Communication: Artistically literate citizens use a variety of artistic media, symbols and metaphors to independently create and perform work that expresses and communicates their own ideas, and are able to respond by analyzing and interpreting the artistic communications of others.
The Arts as Creative Personal Realization: Artistically literate citizens find at least one arts discipline in which they develop sufficient competence to continue active involvement in creating, performing, and responding to art as an adult.
The Arts as Culture, History and Connectors: Artistically literate citizens know and understand artwork from varied historical periods and cultures, and actively seek and appreciate diverse forms and genres of artwork of enduring quality/significance. They also seek to understand relationships among the arts, and cultivate habits of searching for and identifying patterns, relationships between the arts and other knowledge.
The Arts as Means to Wellbeing: Artistically literate citizens find joy, inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, meaning, and other life-enhancing qualities through participation in all of the arts.
The arts as Community Engagement: Artistically literate citizens seek artistic experience and support the arts in their local, state, national, and global communities.
Each unit ends in a project. Each project will be assessed on mastery of techniques, idea, craftsmanship and understanding of media. Progress checks will be given to assess students understanding and pace. There will be vocabulary and skill tests involved with each unit.
There will be a Due Date Grade given for each final project (-5 points for everyday late)
Each Project will be graded on set objective set during project introduction. (400 pts)
Grade Break Down: (percentage)
Projects/Tests: 70% Sketchbooks: 15% Activities: 5% Classroom Responsibilities: 10%
A= <92% A- 91-89% B+ 88-86% B 85-82% B- 81-79% C+ 78-76%
C 75-72% C- 71-69% D+ 68-66% D 65-62% D- 61-59% F >58%
Donations for this class are always accepted and encouraged.
The amount of supplies used in this class is impressive. We offer a very high level of Art Education here at Willow Glen High School. In order to keep this level high and the student’s experience a quality one, I am asking for each student to bring in a $10.00 donation. It is not mandatory, but in tight monetary times (especially in the schools) every cent is greatly appreciated. All donations go directly towards your student’s materials and help bolster a strong program. I greatly appreciate your understanding on this matter. Checks can be made out to:
Willow Glen High School Visual Arts
Requested Materials: Due:__________________ 1. box of colored pencils 2.pencil
Be on time with the needed supplies. Be inside the door as bell rings and begin to set up. Pencil everyday.
Be respectful of your peers, your teacher, yourself and the work done in class.
We will have the opportunity for music to be played in class, so no need for ipods, phones or whatever plays music.
Keep focused on the task at hand. Don’t be distracted by texts, calls or outside static. So, phones need to be off and out of sight; unless, Mr. wind has OK’d for any school appropriate use.
Clean up your messes and take care of our tools and supplies.
1st offense: I will just remind you of you to focus.
2nd offense: clean up job (if it is a phone issue, I take phone until job is done)
3rd offense: clean up job or detention and the dreaded call home (I take phone until end of day)
4th offense: Seriously? If it gets to this, then parent call and we get Administration involved. Don’t let it get this bad.
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