Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Part 1 of the Sculpture final... sketchbook skills

4 part final (main review will be on 16 or 17th)

Part 1: sketchbook final.  Student will demonstrate visual problem solving skills through creative problem solving and strong colored pencils skills.

  1. drawing must be full page
  2. no tracing
  3. no pen or sharpies
  4. draw in pencil 1st then color
  5. be original no copying of ideas from peers
  6. due at the beginning of final 

100 pts.  please create drawing on front of page 12 in sketchbook.  Pencil and colored pencil only.

The Mad lib...  Please write the appropriate part of speech next to the number...

  1. plural noun
  2. adjective
  3. noun
  4. past tense verb
  5. place
  6. plural noun
  7. plural noun

Please copy the lines below and fill the blanks with the numbered responses from above... on the back side of page 12 in sketchbook

Many creepy (1) __________________________ gazed at the (2) _________________ (3) ___________________________  as they (4) ___________________  behind the (5) ___________________ while angry (6) ___________________ flew through the sky throwing strange (7) ______________________.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"After the Book Ends" 10 annual silent auction

Willow Glen Advanced Sculpture Classes are putting on the 10th annual silent auction.  This year the theme is bookends.  Each artist created a truly unique ceramic bookend for the auction.  All proceeds help fund the advanced sculpture classes.

Bidding starts at 6.  Food will be served... come enjoy some incredible pieces and appreciate the level of skill and creative problem solving it took to create these sculptures. Come get a very unique present for that someone special.

WGHS Mickey Long Center Art Gallery and Hall
December 12th 6-7

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sketchbook drawing #3

It is time to sharpen you visual skills and imagination.

On page 10 of your sketchbook, copy the lines of the attached image.  Using those lines, create an original drawing.  Use pencil to complete lines then color with color pencils.  Use entire page.  All rules of color are in affect.  50 points.

Due either Thursday 11/21 (odd number periods) or Friday 11/22 (even number periods)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unorthodox Taxidermy... Dr. Seuss Inspired Creatures

the "sawfish" is property of Dr. Seuss and can be seen on
  • This is a clay project designed to further explore the possibilities with clay and further develop clay building skills...
  • Our featured artist:  The Amazing Dr. Seuss...  We looked at his style of line, shape and personality of his drawings.  Each classed agreed his work was playful and very fun...
  • create a “Dr. Seuss” style fish which combines traits of a fish and a man made object  100 pts
  • Build all details:  wood plaque, eyelids, gils, lips, teeth, scales... 150 pts
  • create a recognizable object that blends into the fish  100 pts
  • use a multicolor blended painting technique along with dry brush and detail paint 50 pts.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More bookends that will are amazing...

Creepy drawing that needs to be seen

Some examples of bookend madness...

These pieces are so close to being done!  Check out some of these great ideas...  all going up for auction on December 12... 6-7:30... all proceeds go to help fund the advanced and special projects classes....  come get some great art for your home or office!!!

Stick figures?! In my class....? Yup

My 1st years were given the task of 100 sticks in action, an environment, items, and a pirate theme.  All to be drawn in a single 42 minute period.  Thus far, my kids knocked it out of the park!!!!  Yes they moaned but they also demonstrated high levels of creative problem solving, time management, understanding of theme and objective and overall Willow Glen Art Department amazingness....  here are some of the solutions...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"After the Book Ends"

The 2013 silent Auction has been set.  December 12 in the SIP Building of the Mickey Long Library.  Times will be from 6-7:30.  Bidding 6-7.

Students are creating very unique bookends to dazzle your shelves and support your book collection.

The title was voted on by the Advanced and Special Projects classes.  The winner "After the Book Ends"  by Grant Furgerson.  Nicely done Grant.

Sun Rays Made Easy...

Directions form board on Wednesday 10/16...  and Pineapple Boy drawn by the amazing Kasten Adams...

just in case you missed it... Gern Blanston

We had a 1 day skills project.  Students get 1 hour 42 minutes to create a simple face following specific directions.  Worth 100 pts, Gern Blanston can really strengthen your grade.  If you missed the class, then please set an appointment to come in 2 office hours so you can create Gern.  The directions are below.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

a very basic clay wedging film...

Important points:

1.  press clay into table by locking elbows and using strong pressure
2.  fold towards you then push clay into table away from you (at slight angle towards dominant hand)
3. adjust hands on clay repeat process
4. get into a smooth movement (the bigger the piece the longer the process)

A better filming angle will be taped 9/18...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sketchbook covers getting done!

What an incredible pile of work I get to grade!  My 1st years just turned in their major piece: a simply bound sketchbook with cover work done by the individual artists...  They rocked it!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bookend Objectives...


        • 1.  98% off all details must be built.  2% may be added on for visual impact.  Painting on details is not accepted.  100 pts
        • Book ends must act as functional book ends.  They must be balanced and support a stack at least 5 books... 50 pts.      
        • 3.  You must choose 1 of the 3 themes and create a unique idea for the book ends.  You may look to pop culture to inspire your theme choice.  100 pts.
        • In your journal, you must draw a full color idea drawing showing both halves of your book end.  (50 pts. but applied to journal grade)
        • Demonstrate advanced level clay building skills which include but not limited too:
        • Scoring
        • Wedging
        • Formation of 3 dimensional details using the correct tools for the job...
        • Clay management
        • 100 pts.
        • You must use a combination of solid painting and dry brush painting technique 50 pts.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My kids aren't stopping....

Here are 2 more examples of original thought... My advanced kids are amazing...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Progress check thursday and friday

1st progress checks for advanced and special projects will happen at end of class thursday and friday.  Form must be complete and details should be started.   80% finished based on drawing.  50 points.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1st years knocking it out the park!

These are details of the work done by some random 1st year sculpture students.  Willow Glen has some serious talent...  I could have included many more...  Seriously, these kids are knocking this project out of the park...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013