Special Projects Green Sheet

Blog: mrwindsculpture.blogspot.com

Course Description:  This course is designed for each artist to expand their visual experience, their creative risk taking and their understanding of their own style and the communication of their ideas.  The students will develop a body of work throughout the year.  This body of work will be shown in the year end show; as well as, in a digital portfolio.  As each student creates visual solutions to the themes, they will look at their view of the world, themselves and their art.  Each student will be required to commit to a number of pieces and keep a creative thought log/journal.

Standards:  As Common Core Standards have become the norm (specifically in ELA and Math), the arts have begun research and evaluation of a National Core Arts Standards.   The focus being creating original thoughts, communicating through the arts, responding to the arts, seeing self and the the arts in context to the world, and showing and performing in the arts.  


Students will responsible for creating a body of work.  Number of pieces, media used and size of work  will be decided upon during conversations with the instructors.  Artists will choose from the themes below:

1. Canisters (auction)  Due 1st semester
2. Themes (choose 2): school life, dream home, strange creature, action pose, childhood toy, and funky box (functional storage with an artistic edge)

Each project will be assessed on quality of idea, mastery of technique (building), mastery of color work, quality of execution of idea (elements of art and principles of design).

Grading:  Each unit ends in a project.  Each project will be assessed on mastery of techniques, idea, craftsmanship and understanding of media.  Progress checks will be given to assess students understanding and pace.  Each piece will be finished with a critique worksheet, photos and dimensions. 

Weekly Progress Grades will be given.  (50 points per week)

Each Project will be graded on set objective set during project introduction.  (400 pts)

Creative Thought Log/Journal:  Being a lab class, the students will be expected to keep a journal for idea development, notes and class activities.  The journal needs to be a basic composition book (for ease of storage).  This will be needed 1st week of class.

Grade Break Down: (percentage)

Projects/Tests: 70%   Journals: 10%   Activities: 10%   Classroom Responsibilities: 10%

A= <92%    A- 91-89%    B+ 88-86%    B 85-82%    B- 81-79%    C+ 78-76%
C 75-72%    C- 71-69%    D+ 68-66%    D 65-62%    D- 61-59%    F >58%

Donations for this class are always accepted and encouraged. The amount of supplies used in this class is impressive.  We offer a very high level of Art Education here at Willow Glen High School.  In order to keep this level high and the student’s experience a quality one, I am asking for each student to bring in a $20.00 donation.  It is not mandatory, but in tight monetary times (especially in the schools) every cent is greatly appreciated.  All donations go directly towards your student’s materials and help bolster a strong program.  I greatly appreciate your understanding on this matter. Checks can be made out to:          Willow Glen High School Visual Arts

Required Materials:  Due:__________________

1.Composition book 2. box of colored pencils 3.pencil 4. combination lock for locker     5. flash drive

Be on time with the needed supplies.  Be inside the door as bell rings and begin to set up.  Pencil everyday.

Be respectful of your peers, your teacher, yourself and the work done in class.

We will have the opportunity for music to be played in class, so no need for ipods, phones or whatever plays music.

Keep focused on the task at hand.  Don’t be distracted by texts, calls or outside static.  So, phones need to be off and out of sight; unless, Mr. wind has OK’d for any school appropriate use.

Clean up your messes and take care of our tools and supplies.

1st offense:  I will just remind you of you to focus.

2nd offense:  clean up job (if it is a phone issue, I take phone until job is done)

3rd offense:  clean up job or detention and the dreaded call home (I take phone until end of day)

4th offense:  Seriously?  If it gets to this, then parent call and we get Administration involved.  Don’t let it get this bad.


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